Monday, December 12, 2011

Path to the Beach (Tamarindo Beach)

Alongside our Langosta condo there is a path to the beach from the road. You can see the ocean at the end of this path.

The path and landscaping was installed by the company that built our condo, which is the same company that owns the Tamarindo Diria Resort, which is the largest resort in the area.

We can walk to the beach out the back gate of the condo, by the swimming pool, but I think it is great that the developer put in a nice path for people who live or stay in condos that are not right on the beach to use to walk to the beach.

All beaches in Costa Rica are public property. There are some resorts or gated master-planned communities where people cannot access the land near the beach, but generally access to the beach is plentiful. There are so many beaches and no major cities nearby, so it is easy to enjoy time on uncrowned beaches.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site. This week we are showing a few more photos of the villas in Bellagio, Italy, on the shores of Lake Como, from our trip there with friends about 18 months ago.



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